
The remmeset command is used to work with settings proposals.

Sawtooth supports storing settings on-chain. The remmeset subcommands can be used to view the current proposals, create proposals, vote on existing proposals, and produce setting values that will be set in the genesis block.

usage: remmeset [-h] [-v] [-V] {genesis,proposal} ...

Provides subcommands to change genesis block settings and to view, create, and
vote on settings proposals.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose       enable more verbose output
  -V, --version       display version information

    genesis           Creates a genesis batch file of settings transactions
    proposal          Views, creates, or votes on settings change proposals

remmeset genesis

The remmeset genesis subcommand creates a Batch of settings proposals that can be consumed by sawadm genesis and used during genesis block construction.

usage: remmeset genesis [-h] [-k KEY] [-o OUTPUT] [-T APPROVAL_THRESHOLD]
                      [-A AUTHORIZED_KEY]

Creates a Batch of settings proposals that can be consumed by "remmeadm genesis"
and used during genesis block construction.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEY, --key KEY     specify signing key for resulting batches and initial
                        authorized key
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        specify the output file for the resulting batches
                        set the number of votes required to enable a setting
                        specify a public key for the user authorized to submit
                        config transactions

remmeset proposal

The Settings transaction family supports a simple voting mechanism for applying changes to on-chain settings. The remmeset proposal subcommands provide tools to view, create and vote on proposed settings.

usage: remmeset proposal [-h] {create,list,vote} ...

Provides subcommands to view, create, or vote on proposed settings

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

    create            Creates proposals for setting changes
    list              Lists the currently proposed (not active) settings
    vote              Votes for specific setting change proposals

remmeset proposal create

The remmeset proposal create subcommand creates proposals for settings changes. The change may be applied immediately or after a series of votes, depending on the vote threshold setting.

usage: remmeset proposal create [-h] [-k KEY] [-o OUTPUT | --url URL]
                              setting [setting ...]

Create proposals for settings changes. The change may be applied immediately
or after a series of votes, depending on the vote threshold setting.

positional arguments:
  setting               configuration setting as key/value pair with the
                        format <key>=<value>

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEY, --key KEY     specify a signing key for the resulting batches
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        specify the output file for the resulting batches
  --url URL             identify the URL of a validator's REST API

remmeset proposal list

The remmeset proposal list subcommand displays the currently proposed settings that are not yet active. This list of proposals can be used to find proposals to vote on.

usage: remmeset proposal list [-h] [--url URL] [--public-key PUBLIC_KEY]
                            [--filter FILTER]
                            [--format {default,csv,json,yaml}]

Lists the currently proposed (not active) settings. Use this list of proposals
to find proposals to vote on.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of a validator's REST API
  --public-key PUBLIC_KEY
                        filter proposals from a particular public key
  --filter FILTER       filter keys that begin with this value
  --format {default,csv,json,yaml}
                        choose the output format

remmeset proposal vote

The remmeset proposal vote subcommand votes for a specific settings-change proposal. Use remmeset proposal list to find the proposal id.

usage: remmeset proposal vote [-h] [--url URL] [-k KEY]
                            proposal_id {accept,reject}

Votes for a specific settings change proposal. Use "remmeset proposal list" to
find the proposal id.

positional arguments:
  proposal_id        identify the proposal to vote on
  {accept,reject}    specify the value of the vote

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --url URL          identify the URL of a validator's REST API
  -k KEY, --key KEY  specify a signing key for the resulting transaction batch